The Rankin Rock Hockey Camp
The Rankin Rock Hockey Camp added components of literacy, nutrition and personal wellness, and leadership skills training to their hockey camps, as well as local employment for their community.
David Brown, Chinova Bioworks
While in his 20s, Co-founder of Chinova Bioworks, David Brown developed a unique and innovative mushroom-based fiber extract used for the shelf life extension of foods and beverages. This natural ingredient allows food and beverages to be protected from microorganisms including bacteria, yeast and mold and plays an important role in reducing food waste around the world.
Breanne Everett, Orpyx Medical
In her 20s, Breanne Everett co-founded Orpyx Medical to develop her idea for shoe insoles that prompts patients with diabetic foot conditions to move their feet to improve blood flow. This wearable tech has improved users’ quality of life and reduced health care costs by decreasing the risks of sores, infection and amputation.
Yukon Youth Healthcare Summit
Recognizing that not a single indigenous person worked in the healthcare field in Whitehorse, this team started to ask why? They set about a course of action to encourage more northerners to enter the healthcare sector: bringing students to summits profiling different career paths in health care, workshops with professionals and First Aid Certification opportunities.
Emma Ko and Face Shield MD
A student-run organization, is providing 3D-printed face shields for frontline workers. “Our main goal is to provide face shields for workers in long term care facilities because senior citizens are especially vulnerable to the impacts of COVID-19.” Their team successfully applied for the #RisingYouth community service grant.