Ingenious+ Judging Outline

Thank you for volunteering to judge the Ingenious+ submissions.

  1. Once you’ve been assigned as a judge you will be sent a link to login/register.
  2. In the portal you can access the Dashboard tab and find a judge’s guide at the top of the portal. Judging Rubric.
  3. The submissions you have been assigned will be listed in the table. You can sort by scores or alphabetically. By default it will list the submissions in order of scores you’ve applied.
  4. You can only see your scores, not others.
  5. Click on individual submission to see the information including category, title, questions and responses along with images and documents uploaded.
  6. Scoring is numerical only, numbers are limited to pre-set scoring range. The scoring criteria is listed in the portal for reference when reviewing.
  7. The notes field is mandatory and requires an entry.
  8. When the scoring is complete select “save my scores”
  9. Refresh your page to see the projects you have scored.
  10. Click the “Load More” button at the bottom, to load more submissions to be scored.
  11. Edits can be made until the administrator locks in the scores.
  12. After saving the score go back to the dashboard to select the next submission for judging.
  13. When you have finished scoring all submissions assigned to you logout by selecting the button at the side.
  14. If you are experiencing issues with the portal, try changing your browser to Microsoft Edge.

If you are having trouble accessing the site or the submissions you’ve been assigned to please contact Tracey –


All entries will be evaluated using the following evaluation criteria:

Problem or Opportunity Being Addressed – 5 points

Solution – 10 points

*Definition – Innovation is something different that has an impact.  It might be improving upon or innovating a product, service, or process, or creating something new that solves a problem or makes the world a better place.

 Supporting documents or images help explain the innovation

Research Done – 5 points

Awareness of Landscape and Existing Solutions – 5 points

Expected Impact – 10 points

Feasibility of Implementing the Innovation – 5 points

Collaboration – 5 points

Plans for Use of the Award – 5 points

Final Evaluation

The final evaluation will be completed by 4 to 8 judges for the national awards. The judges will base their choice of the competition recipients on the above-mentioned Judging Criteria.  Judges will reach their decisions by consensus. All decisions of the judges are final and binding. The judging scores for any entry will not be revealed.

Thank you for your support of young innovators across Canada.